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Dist-git repository onboarding

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To start using Packit in dist-git, you only need:

  1. a configuration file
  2. enable the monitoring for your package

1. Configuration file

To start using Packit for automating your Fedora releases with setup only in dist-git, the main thing you need is to create a configuration file and place it in the default (rawhide) branch of your dist-git repository.

As a format, it uses YAML and here are all the valid names:

  • .packit.yaml
  • .packit.yml
  • packit.yaml
  • packit.yml

In your configuration file, you can define these jobs:

  1. pull_from_upstream
  2. koji_build
  3. bodhi_update
Downstream configuration template

You can use our downstream configuration template for creating your Packit configuration in dist-git repository.

Automate the setup

You can also use packit dist-git init CLI command to create your Packit dist-git configuration.

Configuration validation

For validation of the configuration, you can utilise Packit CLI command validate-config or our pre-commit hooks.


Pull from upstream job

When a new upstream release happens and detects it, you'll get dist-git pull requests with it automatically.

Bodhi updates created by the bodhi_update job as well as automatic Bodhi updates will close the Bugzilla opened by the Upstream Release Monitoring automatically when they reach stable. Packit adds the Bugzilla numbers to the commit message and the changelog in this form - Resolves rhbz#xz. There is also an env variable with the list of bugs to be closed PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS that you can use in the case you want to customize the changelog creation through an action as shown below.

If you want to restrict what releases with corresponding tags Packit should react on, you can utilise the configuration options upstream_tag_include and upstream_tag_exclude. However, these are currently taken into consideration only when the upstream_project_url is configured. In case of omitting it in configuration, you can adjust the releases filtering using the project settings.


Upstream tarball URL is taken from the spec file or from sources (see below) and not from upstream_project_url.

You can check the other customization options here.

Divergent dist-git branches

Current default behaviour of the release syncing results in having divergent dist-git branches. If you want to avoid this, please see the details here.

Koji build job

You can configure Packit to react to the new commits in your dist-git repository and create Koji builds by including a koji_build job in the configuration. Then, if Packit is informed (via fedora-messaging bus) about a new commit in the configured dist-git branch, it submits a new build in Koji like maintainers usually do. (The commits without any spec file change are skipped.)

By default, only merged pull requests created by Packit are being acted upon, but you can override this behaviour by specifying allowed_pr_authors and/or allowed_committers in the job configuration.

The koji_build job can be configured like this:

- job: koji_build
trigger: commit
- fedora-all
Bodhi update job

You can configure Packit to react to successful Koji builds and create Bodhi updates by including a bodhi_update job in the configuration. Once Packit is informed (via fedora-messaging bus) about the successful Koji build for the configured branch, it creates a new update for that branch in Bodhi for you.

By default, only successful Koji builds created by Packit are being acted upon, but you can override this behaviour by specifying allowed_builders in the job configuration.

The bodhi_update job can be configured like this:

- job: bodhi_update
trigger: commit
- fedora-branched # rawhide updates are created automatically

Actions - use your own commands/scripts

Actions are a way how to redefine or tweak the Packit's workflows. These are user-defined commands that can replace a part of Packit's job (e.g. to get version, or to create a tarball) or are run in a particular step as a hook (with no action run by default).

Take a look at the tables here to know what actions are available for each job. You can also see some examples here

2. Monitoring of the package

Besides the configuration file, if you use the pull_from_upstream job, you also need to have your package monitored by Upstream Release Monitoring:

  1. make sure there is Fedora mapping for the upstream project in
  2. make sure Monitoring status on the left side at is set to Monitoring

You can check an example of a configuration file in the section below.

How to try that for real

Release syncing

If you are interested in the functionality of syncing the release (pull_from_upstream job) and want to try it out, we recommend triggering the job first time from a dist-git pull request to make sure Packit is correctly configured (see the following sections).

If there is a pending release

If there is a new release pending for your package (bugzilla has been opened by but no rebase done in dist-git yet), do the following:

  • create a rawhide-based pull request with Packit configuration defining the pull_from_upstream job
    • we recommend firstly setting the dist_git_branches for the job to one branch only (e.g. fedora-rawhide)
  • comment /packit pull-from-upstream --with-pr-config on the pull request
  • check the dashboard
  • if everything went well, review the pull request(s) in your dist-git repository created by Packit
  • if you are happy with the results
    • you can update the dist_git_branches to include the list of desired branches and trigger the syncing for all branches (using the same comment /packit pull-from-upstream --with-pr-config)
    • merge the pull request

If there is no pending release

If there is no pending release and your package has been rebased at least once in the past, you can still try the job using a new testing branch:

  • create a branch pointing to a commit before the last rebase, name it e.g. packit-test and push it (directly to dist-git, not to your fork)
  • create a rawhide-based pull request with Packit configuration defining the pull_from_upstream job
  • in the configuration, set the dist_git_branches option of the pull_from_upstream job to the name of the testing branch
  • comment /packit pull-from-upstream --with-pr-config on the pull request
  • check the dashboard
  • if everything went well, review the pull request in your dist-git repository created by Packit
  • if you are happy with the results, you can change the dist_git_branches option to whatever you want, merge your pull request and wait for the next upstream release

Normally, the version is taken from Upstream Release Monitoring as Packit is triggered by that. When triggering via comment, the version is retrieved from the latest upstream project release tag.

Reproducing from CLI

To reproduce the Packit Service behaviour with your credentials from CLI, you can use a packit pull-from-upstream command. It creates dist-git pull requests with the content of the release and the Packit config taken from a local clone.

Koji builds and Bodhi updates

The Koji builds are triggered for dist-git pushes to configured branches that contain specfile change and meet other requirements (see the schema). The Bodhi updates are then created when Packit successfuly builds in Koji. You can trigger both of them manually as well, see Retriggering section.

Reproducing from CLI

To reproduce the Packit Service behaviour with your credentials from CLI, you can use again Packit commands packit build in-koji and packit create-update.


You can check all the job runs with details and logs in Packit dashboard, specifically:

You can utilise Fedora Notifications as well.

Notifications about errors

Since it is not possible to create issues in dist-git repositories, you can configure a repository where we should open issues in case of errors during the downstream jobs via issue_repository configuration key. See the details in the link.



Packagers can retrigger the job via a comment in any dist-git pull request:

/packit pull-from-upstream

This will take the Packit configuration file from the default branch of the dist-git repository (rawhide), same as if the job was triggered by a new release. To use the configuration file from the dist-git pull request you are commenting on, you can add an argument:

/packit pull-from-upstream --with-pr-config


Packagers can retrigger a build by a comment in a dist-git pull request:

/packit koji-build

The build will be triggered for the target branch of the pull request using the most recent commit on the target branch (NOT the HEAD commit of the pull request).

If Packit created an issue in the configured issue_repository, you can place the same comment in that issue to retrigger the builds (see issue_repository for details).


Packagers with write access to the dist-git repository can retrigger an update by a comment in a dist-git pull request:

/packit create-update

The update will be triggered for the target branch of the pull request.

If Packit created an issue in the configured issue_repository, you can place the same comment in that issue to retrigger the updates (see issue_repository for details).

Full example of a dist-git only configuration

Let's take a look how the configuration file can look like when you define all three steps. It's quite simple, isn't it?


- job: pull_from_upstream
trigger: release
- fedora-rawhide

- job: koji_build
trigger: commit
- fedora-rawhide

- job: bodhi_update
trigger: commit
- fedora-branched # rawhide updates are created automatically