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job: pull_from_upstream

A dist-git only job that opens a new dist-git pull request in when a new upstream release happens using a notification from Upstream Release Monitoring creates a Bugzilla for the new upstream release and this Bugzilla is by default referenced in the dist-git changelog as - Resolves rhbz#xz and - Resolves rhbz#xz in the commit message.

Bodhi updates created by the bodhi_update job as well as automatic Bodhi updates will have this Bugzilla assigned and it will be closed when they reach stable. There is also an env variable with the list of bugs to be closed PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS that you can use in the case you want to customize the changelog creation but still have the bugs automatically closed.

This job behaviour can be customized using actions. The PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS env variable is available both for the commit-message and changelog-entry actions.

This job utilizes the same logic as propose_downstream with the only exception that it is defined and executed in dist-git.

Downstream configuration template

You can use our downstream configuration template for creating your Packit configuration in dist-git repository.

Automate the setup

You can also use packit dist-git init CLI command to create your Packit dist-git configuration.


  • The job is defined in a Packit config in the default branch of the dist-git repository (rawhide). Packit configs on other branches are ignored.
  • Upstream release monitoring is active for the package. The monitoring status in dist-git should be set to Monitoring.


  • upstream_project_url pointing to a Git repository. If this is not configured, no repository will be cloned (no interaction with it will occur), and the actions will be executed in an arbitrary directory.

First setup

When setting up this job for the first time, please follow the recommended actions from our release guide.


Please, use the issue_repository option to get information about possible failures during the update process (otherwise, you will not be notified about the job failures). Use a repository you maintain as we will create issues about failures here.

Supported triggers

  • release

Optional parameters

  • dist_git_branches
    • a (list of) branch(es) in dist-git where packit should work (defaults to main).
    • or a dict whose keys are the names of the dist-git branches where packit synchronizes release changes and the values are in the form of an empty dict {} or as {fast_forward_merge_into: [other branches names]}. In the second example, packit tries to fast forward the changes created for the key branch in the other branches opening a pull request for them.

For how to keep dist-git branches non divergent please see the details here.

As branch names you can use the aliases provided by Packit to not need to change the config file when the new system version is released.


For more details and customization options, also check our release guide.


Packagers can retrigger the job via a comment in any dist-git pull request:

/packit pull-from-upstream

This will take the Packit configuration file from the default branch of the dist-git repository (rawhide), same as if the job was triggered by a new release. You can monitor the job in Packit Dashboard. To use the configuration file from the dist-git pull request you are commenting on, you can add an argument:

/packit pull-from-upstream --with-pr-config

pull-from-upstream automatically handles the Bugzilla created by Upstream Release Monitoring (by default adds Resolves to changelog/commit and exposes PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS to the changelog-entry and commit-message actions). If you want to override the referenced resolved bug set by Packit, you can retrigger pull_from_upstream like this:

/packit pull-from-upstream --resolve-bug rhbz#123,rhbz#124



- job: pull_from_upstream
trigger: release
- fedora-all
- epel-9

Once a new upstream release happens, Packit will open a pull request with it in all active Fedora releases and EPEL 9.