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· 9 min read

Last month, we had the pleasure of engaging with a dynamic audience during our interactive talk on changelogs at the DevConf in Brno, Czech Republic. In case you missed it, you can watch the recording here. Throughout the session, we explored various aspects of changelog usage, including their content, format, and the potential for automation. By asking a series of questions to the attendees, we gathered insights and opinions that highlighted both common practices and divergent viewpoints within the community. In this follow-up article, we aim to summarise the key findings from our discussion, analyse the trends and preferences that emerged, and offer our reflections on the role of changelogs in software development.

foto from the conference 1

· 5 min read

The first part of June is usually quite busy for our team. Why? The last couple of years, this has been a time of DevConf.CZ conference. (The unpredictable January had been changed into a more pleasant June.) Even though the conference itself is important, it’s used as an opportunity for various people from around the globe to come to Brno and thanks to that, a lot is happening also during the days around. For the Packit team, it’s a nice opportunity to have the whole team together in one place – we can do some fun teambuilding (like canoeing this year) but also discuss any technical topics or meet our users and realise how are the real people behind all the nicknames. This time we also prepared something for them:

Packit team at DevConf.CZ