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Advanced usage of the specfile library

· 7 min read

Are you already familiar with the basic concepts of the specfile library? Then welcome to a collection of some slightly more advanced topics that you could find useful. If you're not that familiar and would like to start with something easier, you can take a look at Introduction to specfile library.

Forced parsing

Imagine you want to make changes to a spec file that requires some sources to be present at the time of parsing such as sources referenced from shell expansions (e.g. %(date +%F -r %{SOURCE0})), includes some external files using the %include directive, or loads external macrofiles with the %load macro, but all you have is the spec file itself.

In such case you may want to instantiate Specfile with the force_parse argument set to True in order to attempt to parse the spec file with missing external files. If that succeeds and some required external files were indeed missing during parsing, the Specfile.tainted property is set to True to indicate that certain assumptions could be broken - for example a condition that relies on a macro defined in an external macrofile could be evaluated incorrectly.

Defining and undefining macros

You can define or undefine any RPM macros before parsing a spec file with the macros argument to the Specfile constructor. The argument takes a list of 2-string tuples where the first element is macro name and the second element is macro value. If the second element is None, the macro will be undefined. This can come in handy when you need to undefine a system macro such as fedora.

from specfile import Specfile

spec = Specfile(
("fedora", None),
("epel", "9"),

It is also possible to pass macro definitions in the same format as the extra_macros argument to the Specfile.expand() method in order to temporarily define or undefine macros before expression expansion.

For example, the following code snippet will print the expanded value of the Release tag without system dist tag:

spec = Specfile("example.spec")

print(spec.expand("%release", extra_macros=[("dist", None)]))

This is just for demonstration of extra_macros, you can achieve the same with:

spec = Specfile("example.spec")


Conditions and expansion


MacroDefinition, Tag, SourceListEntry, Source and Patch classes have a valid attribute that determines if the respective entity is in a true branch of a condition (provided that the condition is not present in a false branch of another condition).

Having the following in a spec file:

%if %{defined copr_username}
Epoch: 102
Epoch: 2

You can use the Tag.valid attribute to choose the suitable Epoch tag based on validity:

from specfile import Specfile

spec = Specfile("example.spec")

with spec.tags() as tags:
epoch_tags = [t for t in tags if t.normalized_name == "Epoch"]
# print the value of the first Epoch tag, disregarding the condition
# print the value of the first valid Epoch tag
print(next(t for t in epoch_tags if t.valid).value)
# when accessing tags by name the first valid one is chosen,
# so this does the same as above

Expression expansion

You can get expanded values of tags with their expanded_value property. This is the literal value of a tag as present in the spec file that is passed to Specfile.expand() for expansion.

If you are not interested in modification and want to get exactly what rpmspec --parse example.spec would give you, you can use the Specfile.parsed_sections property:

spec = Specfile("example.spec")

with spec.tags(spec.parsed_sections.package) as tags:

Doing this means that all conditions and macros will be already expanded, so all tags will be valid and their value and expanded_value will be the same. Modifications will have no effect.

You can also access the underlying rpm.spec object with the Specfile.rpm_spec property, which allows you to do things like:

spec = Specfile("example.spec")


In this case the printed value will be a number, not a string like in previous cases.


This means you have 3 ways how to get expanded value of a tag with the specfile library. All of them should give you same or very similar results, but only the first one gives you access also to the unexpanded value of a tag and the possibility to modify it. On the other hand it will also take the most time, so think twice if performance is a concern.

Making modifications less obstructive

Consider the following in a spec file:

#global rc_ver 3
%global maj_ver 12
%global min_ver 0
%global patch_ver 1

Name: %{pkg_name}
Version: %{maj_ver}.%{min_ver}.%{patch_ver}%{?rc_ver:~rc%{rc_ver}}

Rather than replacing the value of Version with a version string, removing all the macro substitutions in the process, you can use Specfile.update_tag() and have it try to update the relevant macro definitions instead:

from specfile import Specfile

spec = Specfile("example.spec")

spec.update_tag("Version", "12.1.0")

This will result in:

#global rc_ver 3
%global maj_ver 12
%global min_ver 1
%global patch_ver 0

Name: %{pkg_name}
Version: %{maj_ver}.%{min_ver}.%{patch_ver}%{?rc_ver:~rc%{rc_ver}}

It will even uncomment a commented-out macro definition if needed:

spec = Specfile("example.spec")

spec.update_tag("Version", "12.1.1~rc1")

This will result in:

%global rc_ver 1
%global maj_ver 12
%global min_ver 1
%global patch_ver 1

Name: %{pkg_name}
Version: %{maj_ver}.%{min_ver}.%{patch_ver}%{?rc_ver:~rc%{rc_ver}}

However, if you want to go back to a regular version, you have to comment out the relevant macro definition explicitly:

from specfile import Specfile
from specfile.macro_definitions import CommentOutStyle

spec = Specfile("example.spec")

with spec.macro_definitions() as macro_definitions:
# use the original comment-out style
macro_definitions.rc_ver.comment_out_style = CommentOutStyle.HASH
macro_definitions.rc_ver.commented_out = True

spec.update_tag("Version", "12.1.1")

This will result in:

#global rc_ver 1
%global maj_ver 12
%global min_ver 1
%global patch_ver 1

Name: %{pkg_name}
Version: %{maj_ver}.%{min_ver}.%{patch_ver}%{?rc_ver:~rc%{rc_ver}}

The algorithm isn't perfect and won't work in all situations, but even if it's not possible to update some macro definitions it is guaranteed that expanded_value of a tag after calling update_tag() will be equal to the given value.

There is also a more general method Specfile.update_value() that allows you to update any string within a spec file in the same manner, trying to preserve macro substitutions and update relevant macro definitions (or even tag values in case of e.g. %{version}) if possible. It is up to you to replace the original string with the result (that can but doesn't have to be exactly the same).


The algorithm first tokenizes the string to be updated. Then it determines which macro substitutions within the string can be affected by modifying bodies of preceding macro definitions or values of preceding tags. Then it identifies substrings that are deemed modifiable (that could be for example a sequence of numbers between two dots) and constructs a regular expression in which the modifiable macro substitutions and the modifiable substrings are capturing groups. If the requested new string is a not match to this regular expression, nothing happens and the requested new string is returned unchanged. If it is a match though, the captured groups corresponding to modifiable macro substitutions are processed, recursively, starting with tokenization once again. The requested new string is then updated with corresponding macro substitutions from the original string and returned.

Are you interested in more details, trying the library out or even contributing? You can find specfile source code on GitHub. See the README for more tips and usage examples. You can also check out the API reference.