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Packit 1.0.0 countdown - action may be required

· One min read

After 105 minor releases we are almost ready to announce our first major release, Packit 1.0.0!

What's New

We will remove all long-deprecated keys from the configuration file.

packit-service jobs are tied with packit CLI. The packit configuration code is defined in the packit package and used by the packit-service. So be aware that for those projects still using the deprecated keys in their packit.yaml configuration file we have created a migration pull request.

Please, check if you have any new PR for your project created by the packit-service bot account, review and merge it. Otherwise, you might experience issues with the packit-service jobs once the new packit version is released.

We plan to release Packit 1.0.0 in January 2025.

List of removed keys

The job types were renamed for clarity when we introduced more job types. The upstream_project_name was renamed to upstream_package_name to be more specific. The files_to_sync key has a more explicit behavior than the old synced_files key.