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No more divergent dist-git branches with Packit!

· One min read

Were you annoyed by Packit creating divergent branches in your package's dist-git repository? You'll be happy to know that Packit now supports a new dist_git_branches syntax that enables fast-forwarding commits between branches.

What's New

When defining a propose-downstream or pull-from-upstream job, you can use the new dist_git_branches syntax.

fast_forward_merge_into: [fedora-branched]
epel-9: {}

In this example, Packit runs the downstream synchronization process for the rawhide and epel-9 branches as usual. Additionally, Packit opens a new pull request, reusing the commit from rawhide, for every fedora-branched branch, allowing it to be fast-forwarded when merging.

Do you want to know more? Look at the non-divergent dist-git branches guide