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3 posts tagged with "downstream"

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· 2 min read

In the upcoming months, we plan to migrate our service to a new cluster. However, this may affect propose_downstream and pull_from_upstream jobs due to the new firewall rules. The problematic aspects could be:

  • commands you run in your actions during syncing the release involving interactions with external servers
  • downloading your sources from various hosting services (, npm, gems, etc.)

To smoothen this transition, we kindly encourage you to enable one of these jobs on our already migrated staging instance. This recommendation is particularly important if you belong to one of the groups affected by the two previous points. This proactive step will help us identify and address any issues promptly.

Both instances can be run at the same time and the behaviour can be configured via the packit_instances configuration key, which is by default set to ["prod"]. Picking just one instance is required only for koji_build and bodhi_update jobs since both instances work with the production instances of Fedora systems. To avoid too much noise in your dist-git PRs, you may enable the pull_from_upstream/propose_downstream job for only one target, resulting in only one additional PR created.

Here's how you can enable one of the jobs on the staging instance:

  • pull-from-upstream: The only thing needed is to duplicate the job in your Packit config using packit_instances configuration option. Example:
- job: pull_from_upstream
trigger: release
packit_instances: ["stg"]
- fedora-rawhide
  • propose-downstream: For this job, you first need to enable our staging Github app (you should be already automatically approved if you had been previously approved for production instance). After that, similarly to pull-from-upstream, you only need to duplicate the job in your Packit config using packit_instances. Example:
- job: propose_downstream
trigger: release
packit_instances: ["stg"]
- fedora-rawhide

When merging the PRs created by Packit, please don't forget to merge the PRs created by the production instance if you have a follow-up koji_build job enabled to ensure your builds will not be skipped (or you can allow builds for staging instance as well, see allowed_pr_authors)).

We would be happy if you could then report any problems to us. We appreciate your collaboration in ensuring a seamless migration. Your Packit team!

· 4 min read

In the previous year, we automated the Fedora downstream release process in Packit. The first step of the release process, propagating the upstream release to Fedora, is covered by the propose_downstream job. This job updates the sources in Fedora, the spec file, and other needed files and creates pull requests with the changes in the dist-git repository.

The downside of this job is that for its execution, users need to install Packit Service GitHub/GitLab app since this job reacts only to GitHub/GitLab release webhooks. However, the person who maintains the package in Fedora may not be the upstream maintainer and may not have admin access to the upstream GitHub/GitLab repository.

To cover this case, we came up with a new job called pull_from_upstream, which aims to update Fedora dist-git similarly to propose_downstream, but is configured directly in the dist-git repository. Let's now look at how to set it up and how it works.