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Packit CLI


There are various ways how to install packit CLI. Pick what suits you the best:

Fedora Linux

$ sudo dnf install packit

Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS Stream 9

On RHEL/CentOS Stream 9 you can install RPM from EPEL repository.

$ sudo dnf install epel-release
$ sudo dnf install packit

From Fedora Copr

You can also help us test the latest development snapshot by installing packit built from the main branch in Copr:

$ sudo dnf copr enable packit/packit-dev
$ sudo dnf install packit
$ # OR in case you have packit already installed from the Fedora repositories:
$ sudo dnf upgrade packit

We have multiple Copr repositories:

  • packit-releases — contains latest releases, even before they get pushed to stable as updates by Bodhi
  • packit-dev — contains latest Packit (from the main branch)
  • packit-stable — contains Packit that runs on our production

From PyPI

When you install packit with pip, some of the dependencies need to be compiled from sources, for example on Fedora you first need to install a few devel packages:

$ sudo dnf install gcc python3-devel libcurl-devel krb5-devel openssl-devel

Packit on PyPI is available as packitos project (packit at PyPI is something different).

$ pip install --user packitos

From Source

... or installing it directly from GitHub:

$ pip install --user git+

You will need to install some devel packages first, see above section.

In a container

If none of the above work for you, try running it in a container from our Fedora based image. It contains packit installed from main branch, i.e. the same you'd get by pip installing from GitHub.

$ podman run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/src:z bash
$ packit
Usage: packit [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Depending on the command you want to perform you need to mount secrets and configuration files, like in the following examples:

Copr build

$ podman run -ti --rm -v ~/.config/copr:/root/.config/copr:z -v $PWD:/src:z bash
$ packit build in-copr

Koji build

$ podman run -ti --rm -v ~/.ssh/:/root/.ssh:z -v $PWD:/src:z bash
$ fkinit -u <Fedora Account username>
$ packit build in-koji
