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packit source-git init

Initialize a repository to serve as a source-git repo.

The biggest advantage of this command is the functionality to create source-git repos. Here's a quick rundown what packit does:

  • Fetches specfile and additional sources from Fedora or CentOS dist-git.
  • Apply downstream patches as commits.
  • Add source-git configuration to control future syncing to dist-git.

We have a guide on how to create source-git repos manually if you want to understand the steps performed.


  • A clone of the upstream repo with checked out branch which matches the base ref.
  • The git ref of the upstream repo used as a base.
  • A clean dist-git repository.


As an example, let's create a source-git repo out of systemd. The project uses a dedicated repository to provide backports for actively maintained stable releases.

First step is to clone the respective dist-git repo (we'll use Fedora Rawhide in our case):

$ fedpkg clone systemd
$ cd systemd

We should now determine the version in the specfile

$ rpmspec -q --qf "%{version}" ./systemd.spec

Since systemd-stable prefixes the backport releases with v, we know that we want to base our source-git repo on the v249.4 tag:

$ git clone
$ cd systemd-stable
$ git checkout 'v249.4'

All the prereqs should be met now! We have the upstream clone with the proper tag checked out and the respective dist-git repo. We can now run the source-git init command:

$ packit source-git init v249.4 $FEDORA_SOURCE_GIT_REPOS/systemd-stable $FEDORA_DIST_GIT_REPOS/systemd

Once the command finishes successfully, your source-git repo is available for you at $FEDORA_SOURCE_GIT_REPOS/systemd-stable. If you're about to push the created repo to a forge in order to use our automation, don't forget to push the existing upstream tags as well (git push --tags), otherwise, the automation won't work.

Please head on to a section in this documentation which covers working with source-git repos.

By default, using %autosetup in the %prep section of the specfile is required. You can use --ignore-missing-autosetup option to enforce running the command without using %autosetup, but Packit then cannot guarantee that the patches will be properly applied. Therefore, please make sure that running %prep produces a git repository with patches applied on top when using this option. It will be the base of your source-git repository.


Usage: packit source-git init [OPTIONS] UPSTREAM_REF SOURCE_GIT DIST_GIT

Initialize SOURCE_GIT as a source-git repo by applying downstream patches
from DIST_GIT as Git commits on top of UPSTREAM_REF.

SOURCE_GIT needs to be an existing clone of the upstream repository.

UPSTREAM_REF is a tag, branch or commit from SOURCE_GIT.

SOURCE_GIT and DIST_GIT are paths to the source-git and dist-git repos.
Branch names can be specified, separated by colons.

If a branch name is specified for SOURCE_GIT, the branch is checked out and
reset to UPSTREAM_REF.

If a branch name is specified for DIST_GIT, the branch is checked out before
setting up the source-git repo. This branch is expected to exist.

Each Git commit created in SOURCE_GIT will have a 'From-dist-git-commit'
trailer to mark the hash of the dist-git commit from which it is created.

To learn more about source-git, please check


$ packit source-git init v2.3.1 src/acl:rawhide rpms/acl:rawhide
$ packit source-git init --pkg-tool centpkg v2.3.1 src/acl rpms/acl

--upstream-url TEXT Git URL of the upstream repository. It is saved in
the source-git configuration if it is specified.
--upstream-remote TEXT Name of the remote pointing to the upstream
repository. If --upstream-url is not specified, the
fetch URL of this remote is saved in the source-git
configuration as the Git URL of the upstream
project. Defaults to 'origin'.
--pkg-tool TEXT Name or path of the packaging tool used to work with
sources in the dist-git repo. A variant of 'rpkg'.
Defaults to 'fedpkg' or the tool configured in the
Packit configuration.
--pkg-name TEXT The name of the package in the distro. Defaults to
the directory name of DIST_GIT.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.