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How to create a source-git repository?

This guide walks through the steps to create a source-git repository from an upstream project.

We have a dedicated command which automates most of the steps described below: packit source-git init

Consider joining the Fedora Source-git SIG if you are interested in the development of the source-git workflow.

The process to construct a source-git repository and a branch to track downstream (distribution) work, which then can be synced to dist-git has the following steps:

  1. Identify the upstream Git repository and Git commit corresponding to the current version of the software, as available in the distribution.
  2. Create and populate a .distro subdirectory in the upstream working tree to hold the files needed to package and test the software in the distribution.
  3. Configure syncing to dist-git in .distro/source-git.yaml.
  4. Remove the references to the downstream (distribution) patches from the spec-file and apply these patches as Git-commits.
  5. Test the source-git repository by trying to sync the content to the corresponding dist-git repository.

As an example, let's see the steps one would need to take to create a source-git repository for acl and a branch to track distribution work in Fedora Rawhide.

Identify the upstream Git repository and version

Let's search for an official project URL for acl in the spec-file for Fedora Rawhide. This could be done by using the web interface for, too, but as the dist-git repository is needed later on, it makes sense to clone it using fedpkg:

$ mkdir rpms
$ fedpkg clone -a acl rpms/acl
Cloning into 'rpms/acl'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 699, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (699/699), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (473/473), done.
remote: Total 699 (delta 359), reused 442 (delta 207), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (699/699), 129.66 KiB | 316.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (359/359), done.
$ git -C rpms/acl status
On branch rawhide
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rawhide'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

The dist-git repo is cloned in an rpms directory, and the corresponding source-git repository will be created in a src directory later on. This directory structure helps to keep multiple dist-git and source-git repositories separate and nicely organized.

The URL tag in the spec-file tells, that acl is hosted at Following the links from that page we can look up the URL of the project's Git repository, and use the https one to clone it:

$ mkdir src
$ git clone src/acl
Cloning into 'src/acl'...
remote: Counting objects: 3687, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (962/962), done.
remote: Total 3687 (delta 2705), reused 3687 (delta 2705)
Receiving objects: 100% (3687/3687), 707.18 KiB | 1.22 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2705/2705), done.
$ git -C src/acl status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

From the version field of the spec-file we can tell that Fedora Rawhide has acl version 2.3.1. We search the upstream Git repository for the tag which points to the commit corresponding to this version. This commit is going to be the starting point of the rawhide branch on which the distribution work in Fedora Rawhide is going to be tracked.

$ cd src/acl
$ git tag --list | grep 2.3.1
$ git checkout -B rawhide v2.3.1
Switched to a new branch 'rawhide'

Create and populate the .distro subdirectory

In source-git, files required to package and test the software in a distribution are stored in a .distro subdirectory. This allows keeping these files separate from the source code. The distribution agnostic name was chosen in order to enable the easy sharing of the packaging work between different distributions.

Let's create and populate this directory:

$ mkdir .distro
$ rsync --archive --delete \
--filter 'exclude *.patch' \
--filter 'exclude sources' \
--filter 'exclude .git*' \
../../rpms/acl/ .distro/
$ tree -a .distro/
├── acl-2.3.1.tar.gz.sig
├── acl.spec
└── tests
├── cmd-line-options
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── PURPOSE
│   ├──
│   └──
└── tests.yml

2 directories, 7 files

A quick explanation of the filters used in the rsync-command above:

  • Patch-files are not copied from dist-git. They will become part of the source-git repository as Git commits at a later step.
  • The sources file, used in dist-git to reference the source-archives in the lookaside-cache is excluded. Upstream sources are part of the working tree in source-git.
  • The .git directory of the dist-git repo, and other .git* files are excluded. These are specific to the dist-git repository. They are re-created later on, as needed, using a content specific to source-git.

As gitignore rules in the upstream repo and dist-git might be different, we need to reset these for the .distro directory. In the case of acl for example the top-level .gitignore has a rule to exclude Makefiles, but the tests in dist-git have a Makefile, which need to become part of the source-git repo.

Because the .gitignore file in dist-git has no other ignore rules than the one for the source-code archives, there are no other rules to be added to .distro/.gitignore.

$ cat > .distro/.gitignore
# Reset gitignore rules

Configure syncing to dist-git

Now, let's create the configuration which is going to be used when syncing content to dist-git. This is used to control certain aspects of syncing content to dist-git when using packit source-git update-dist-git.

Create a file called .distro/source-git.yaml with the following content:

upstream_ref: v2.3.1
downstream_package_name: acl
specfile_path: .distro/acl.spec
- .distro/
patch_generation_patch_id_digits: 1
sync_changelog: true
- src: .distro/
dest: .
delete: true
- "protect .git*"
- "protect sources"
- "exclude source-git.yaml"
- "exclude .gitignore"

upstream_project_url is the URL of the upstream repository. This is saved to be used by future operations.

upstream_ref is the Git ref to be used to tell where upstream history ends and downstream history starts. Packit uses this value to tell which version of the source-archive to download from the URL specified in Source, in order to be uploaded to dist-git's lookaside-cache.

downstream_package_name tells packit the name of the package.

specfile_path specifies where the specfile is to be found.

patch_generation_ignore_paths lists the paths which should be ignored when generating downstream patches, to be added in dist-git. As .distro is the place where the files related to packaging are stored, set the configuration to ignore this path, so that there are no patch files generated for it.

patch_generation_patch_id_digits tells Packit how many digits are used, at minimum, when adding PatchN tags to the spec-file. The patch in acl is in the form of Patch1, doesn't have a minimum width, so set this value to 0.

Setting sync_changelog to true tells Packit to sync the changelog in the spec-file as is. This disables Packit's functionality to automatically update the changelog when syncing to dist-git.

files_to_sync controls the way files are synced when updating dist-git. In the context of the current source-git structure this means to syncing the content of .distro with the root of the dist-git repo. This is what the src and dest fields configure.

delete: true causes files not in src to be deleted from dest.

filters is a list of rsync filters to be used to protect paths in dest and exclude paths in src from the sync operation.

You can think about the files_to_sync section as describing the reverse of the rsync-command used to copy content from dist-git to .distro.

We plan to make most of this configuration implicit, so most of it might not be required in the future.

Update the spec-file and apply the downstream patches

In dist-git downstream changes are stored as patch-files, which then are referenced in the spec-file and applied during %prep when building the package. In source-git we want the same changes to become Git commits in the repository. This also means, that it would be semantically weird to reference the patch-files in the spec-file. As there are no patch-files in the source-git repo.

So let's remove the following lines from .distro/acl.spec:

# avoid permission denied problem with LD_PRELOAD in the test-suite
Patch1: 0001-acl-2.2.53-test-runwrapper.patch

Pay attention not to modify any other part of the spec-file, except deleting these lines. Saving .distro/acl.spec with an editor which is configured to strip white-space from the end of lines will result in unnecessary diff-chunks when syncing content back to dist-git.

Note, that acl is using %autosetup to apply the patches in %prep, this is why the %prep section doesn't need an update. Because packit source-git update-dist-git doesn't support adding the %patch macros when adding patches to the spec-file during syncing, currently only packages using %autosetup are supported. At the time of writing, adding support for %setup is still not decided.

At this point, the .distro directory is ready, and can be commited as the first commit on the rawhide branch.

$ git add .distro/
$ git commit -m'Initialize as a source-git repository'
[rawhide c333206] Initialize as a source-git repository
9 files changed, 736 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .distro/.gitignore
create mode 100644 .distro/acl-2.3.1.tar.gz.sig
create mode 100644 .distro/acl.spec
create mode 100644 .distro/source-git.yaml
create mode 100644 .distro/tests/cmd-line-options/Makefile
create mode 100644 .distro/tests/cmd-line-options/PURPOSE
create mode 100755 .distro/tests/cmd-line-options/
create mode 100755 .distro/tests/cmd-line-options/
create mode 100644 .distro/tests/tests.yml

The rawhide branch in the source-git repo has its first downstream commit now:

$ git log --oneline v2.3.1..
c333206 (HEAD -> rawhide) Initialize as a source-git repository

Now, apply the only downstream patch from dist-git. We're using git am in this case, but depending on the type of the patch-files in dist-git, you might need to use git apply:

$ git am ../../rpms/acl/0001-acl-2.2.53-test-runwrapper.patch

The rawhide branch now also has the downstream change in the source-code as a commit:

$ git log --oneline v2.3.1..
7054794 (HEAD -> rawhide) test/runwrapper: copy the preloaded library
c333206 Initialize as a source-git repository

The only thing left to do is to make sure that the patch-file generated from this commit is going to keep its name (and not use the default name generated by git format-patch), and that the patch status line is going to be included above the patch when it's added back to the spec-file while syncing to dist-git.

Packit understands Git-trailers which can be included in the commit message, and used to tweak how patch-files are generated and included in the spec-file. You can include the patch status with the help of the Patch-status field, and specify the patch-file name with Patch-name.

One more Git-trailer that should be added in this step is From-dist-git-commit, which can be used later on to tell which dist-git commit was used to create this source-git repository.

Amend the last commit...

$ git commit --amend

...and edit the commit message to include this field at the end of it.

test/runwrapper: copy the preloaded library

... to a temporary directory because the original location might
not be accessible by other users.

Patch-name: 0001-acl-2.2.53-test-runwrapper.patch
Patch-status: |-
avoid permission denied problem with LD_PRELOAD in the test-suite
From-dist-git-commit: 08c7e74d0a58c9483d2f4f55a3fba2baffb09c3a

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Author: Kamil Dudka <>
# Date: Tue Jul 3 10:46:58 2018 +0200
# On branch rawhide
# Changes to be committed:
# modified: test/runwrapper

Save and exit.

Test the source-git repository

Try creating an update in the dist-git repository from the source-git repository you've just created. All the changes below are local.

$ cd ../../
$ packit --config src/acl/.distro/source-git.yaml source-git update-dist-git --pkg-tool fedpkg src/acl rpms/acl
2021-05-21 17:19:49.158 INFO Won't be doing kinit, no credentials provided.
2021-05-21 15:19:50.103 INFO Archive 'acl-2.3.1.tar.gz' found in lookaside cache (skipping upload).

Now check the dist-git repo to see if there are any changes:

$ git -C rpms/acl status
On branch rawhide
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rawhide'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

A clean working tree in this case means, that the transformation of source-git to dist-git resulted in the same content. Which is good.

Try adding a new, dummy, change in source-git and update dist-git again, to see a new patch being added:

$ cd src/acl
$ echo 'A dummy change' >> README
$ git diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index abcfdc6..05c4af6 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ information and references to other related manual

For more information on the build process, please refer to
+A dummy change
$ git commit -aF-
(reading log message from standard input)
Add a dummy change

description: a patch to try things out
[rawhide fb34af6] Add a dummy change
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

$ cd ../../
$ packit --config src/acl/.distro/source-git.yaml source-git update-dist-git --pkg-tool fedpkg src/acl rpms/acl
2021-05-27 16:46:38.574 INFO Won't be doing kinit, no credentials provided.
2021-05-27 14:46:39.747 INFO Archive 'acl-2.3.1.tar.gz' found in lookaside cache (skipping upload).

Check the diff in dist-git and the new patch generated from source-git:

$ git -C rpms/acl diff
diff --git a/acl.spec b/acl.spec
index 2bf7182..ac7bc75 100644
--- a/acl.spec
+++ b/acl.spec
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ Source:{version}.tar
# avoid permission denied problem with LD_PRELOAD in the test-suite
Patch1: 0001-acl-2.2.53-test-runwrapper.patch

+# a patch to try things out
+Patch2: 0002-Add-a-dummy-change.patch
License: GPLv2+

$ cat rpms/acl/0002-Add-a-dummy-change.patch
From fb34af687e2b650920775647a7c8d149c60403eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Hunor=20Csomort=C3=A1ni?= <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2021 16:42:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add a dummy change

description: a patch to try things out
README | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/README b/README
index abcfdc6..05c4af6 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ information and references to other related manual pages.

For more information on the build process, please refer to
+A dummy change