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packit source-git update-source-git

Sync changes made in a dist-git repository back to the corresponding source-git repository.

This is to enable engineers and bots to capture and sync back changes done in dist-git (by provenpackagers during rebuilds, for example). This is why changes to the source and patches are not supported! If a package has a source-git repository set up, the expectation is that the bulk of the packaging work is going to happen there.


Usage: packit source-git update-source-git [OPTIONS] DIST_GIT SOURCE_GIT

Update a source-git repository based on a dist-git repository.

Update a source-git repository with the selected checkout of a spec file and
additional packaging files from a dist-git repository.

Revision range represents part of dist-git history which is supposed to be
synchronized. Use `HEAD~..` if you want to synchronize the last commit from
dist-git. For more information on possible revision range formats, see
gitrevisions(7). If the revision range is not specified, dist-git commits
with no counterpart in source-git will be synchronized.

If patches or the sources file in the spec file changed, the command exits
with return code 2. Such changes are not supported by this command, code
changes should happen in the source-git repo.

Inapplicable changes to the .gitignore file are ignored since the file may
not be synchronized between dist-git and source-git.

This command, by default, performs only local operations and uses the
content of the source-git and dist-git repositories as it is, no checkout or
fetch is performed.

After the synchronization is done, packit will inform about the changes it
has performed and about differences between source-git and dist-git prior to
the synchronization process.

Dist-git commit messages are preserved and used when creating new source-git
commits, but a 'From-dist-git-commit' trailer is appended to them to mark
the hash of the dist-git commit from which they are created.


Take the extra (not synchronized) commit(s) of systemd dist-git repo and
copy the spec file and other packaging files into the source-git repo:

$ packit source-git update-source-git rpms/systemd src/systemd

Synchronize changes from the last three dist-git commits:

$ packit source-git update-source-git rpms/systemd src/systemd HEAD~3..

-f, --force Don't check the synchronization status of the source-git and
dist-git repos prior to performing the update.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.