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job: koji_build

Trigger the build in Fedora Koji build system as a reaction to a new dist-git commit. A Packit config file needs to be in the dist-git repository to allow this job to be triggered. Packit loads the config from the default dist-git branch (usually rawhide). Packit configs on other branches are ignored.

The build is triggered only for commits with a spec-file change.

By default, only merged pull requests created by Packit are being acted upon so the proven packager workflow is preserved, details here. You can override this behaviour by specifying allowed_pr_authors and/or allowed_committers in the job configuration (see below). For direct pushes, the committer needs to be specified in the allowed_committers and for merged pull requests the author of the PR needs to be specified in the allowed_pr_authors.

Packit provides an overview of its own builds here.

The koji build behaves as it was created manually, and you can utilise Fedora Notifications to be informed about the builds. Also, you can configure a repository where should we open issues in case of errors during the job via issue_repository configuration key.

For retriggering the job, see our release guide.

For Koji builds from upstream, see upstream_koji_build.

Downstream configuration template

You can use our downstream configuration template for creating your Packit configuration in dist-git repository.

Automate the setup

You can also use packit dist-git init CLI command to create your Packit dist-git configuration.

Supported triggers

  • commit - reacts to new commits to the specified branch (in dist-git)

Required parameters

  • dist_git_branches - the name of the dist-git branch we want to build for when using commit trigger. You can also use the aliases provided by Packit to not need to change the config file when the new system version is released.

Optional parameters

  • scratch - defaults to false, use to create scratch (test) builds instead of the real production builds
  • allowed_pr_authors - a list of PR authors whose merged pull requests will trigger Koji builds (defaults to ['packit']). As each item of the list you can specify:
    • name of a FAS account, e.g. my-fas
    • name of a group - starting with @, e.g. @my-sig
    • all_admins alias - allowing all users with admin access to the dist-git repo
    • all_committers alias - allowing all users with commit access to the dist-git repo
  • allowed_committers - a list of committers whose direct pushes to dist-git will trigger Koji builds (defaults to an empty list). It is enough to configure the allowed_pr_authors option if you want to have Koji builds triggered only by merged pull requests. Similarly to the previous option, as each item of the list you can specify:
    • name of a FAS account, e.g. my-fas
    • name of a group - starting with @, e.g. @my-sig
    • all_admins alias - allowing all users with admin access to the dist-git repo
    • all_committers alias - allowing all users with commit access to the dist-git repo
  • require.label - you can specify labels that have to be present/absent on a pull request in order to trigger the build when it is merged. See configuration details here.

Processing of dist-git events from Pagure

Processing of dist-git events from Pagure

Because of the potential issues with rendering:

  • dotted lines represent no
  • continous lines represent yes



- job: koji_build
trigger: commit
allowed_committers: ["jsmith"]
- fedora-all
- epel-8