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Downstream configuration template

This is a template for configuration of Packit's Fedora release automation (dist-git only).

How to use the template

  1. copy the content
  2. create a packit.yaml/.packit.yaml file in root directory of your dist-git repository in your rawhide branch and paste the content
  3. resolve the TODOs
  4. (optionally) run packit validate-config to make sure the configuration is valid


# See the documentation for more information:

# TODO optionally fill in the URL to the upstream Git repo (one that can be passed to anonymous `git clone`)
# this can be omitted, but in that case there will be no interaction with the upstream repo (no cloning)

# TODO optionally uncomment and fill in the URL of repository where you want to be notified via issues about errors

# TODO uncomment and adjust the template if the upstream tags do not match the version strings.
# (Only relevant if your upstream project is a git repository (= `upstream_project_url` is set).
#upstream_tag_template: v{version}

# TODO uncomment and adjust if you want Packit to filter upstream tags that should be reacted upon
# applies only when `upstream_project_url` is configured
#upstream_tag_include: <python-regex>
#upstream_tag_exclude: <python-regex>

# TODO make sure there is Fedora mapping for the upstream project in
# TODO make sure Monitoring status on the left side at<your-package> is set to Monitoring
- job: pull_from_upstream
trigger: release
# TODO adjust the list of branches for which the release should be synced
- fedora-all

# TODO customization of changelog entry of the new release and Packit's commit message
# default behaviour:
# - changelog entry contains '- Update to version <version>' and references the bugzilla about new release
# - commit message contains info about the upstream release and references the bugzilla about new release
# you can choose one of the following options below to customize the behaviour:

# option 1: generate your custom changelog entry and/or commit message
# uncomment and adjust the commands to your needs

# commit-message:
# - bash -c 'echo "Update to ${PACKIT_PROJECT_VERSION}"'
# - bash -c '[ -z "$PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS" ] || echo ${PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS} | tr " " "\n" | sed "s/^/- Resolves /"'
# - bash -c 'echo "- Upstream tag - ${PACKIT_UPSTREAM_TAG}"'
# - bash -c 'echo "- Upstream commit - ${PACKIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT}"'
# changelog-entry:
# - bash -c 'git log --no-merges --pretty="format:- %s (%an)" $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 ${PACKIT_PROJECT_UPSTREAM_TAG}^)..${PACKIT_PROJECT_UPSTREAM_TAG} --'
# - bash -c '[ -z "$PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS" ] || echo ${PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS} | tr " " "\n" | sed "s/^/- Resolves /"'

# option 2: enable copy_upstream_release_description flag so that upstream release description is set as
# changelog entry (works for GitHub and GitLab upstreams only)
#copy_upstream_release_description: true

# TODO remove if you do not want to have Koji builds automatically triggered by Packit
- job: koji_build
trigger: commit
# TODO uncomment and adjust if you want to allow Koji builds to be triggered by other events than Packit's merged PRs
#allowed_pr_authors: ['packit', 'all_admins']
#allowed_committers: ['all_admins']
# TODO adjust the list of branches for which the the builds should be triggered
- fedora-all

# TODO remove if you do not want to have Bodhi updates automatically triggered by Packit
- job: bodhi_update
trigger: commit
# TODO uncomment and adjust if you want to allow Bodhi updates to be triggered by successful Koji builds of other users than just Packit
#allowed_builders: ['packit', 'all_admins']
# TODO adjust the list of branches for which the updates should be created
- fedora-branched