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packit build in-koji

Submit a Koji build for the selected branch in Fedora dist-git.


  • Upstream git repository on GitHub.
  • Packit config file placed in the upstream repository.
  • Valid Fedora Kerberos ticket.


  1. Place a config file for packit in the root of your upstream repository.

  2. The command below would perform fedpkg build in the Fedora dist-git main branch.

    $ cd my/ustream/project/
    $ packit build in-koji


Usage: packit build in-koji [OPTIONS] [PATH_OR_URL]

Build selected upstream project in Fedora.

By default, packit checks out the respective dist-git repository and
performs `fedpkg build` for the selected branch. With `--from-upstream`,
packit creates a SRPM out of the current checkout and sends it to koji.

PATH_OR_URL argument is a local path or a URL to the upstream git
repository, it defaults to the current working directory

--dist-git-branch TEXT Comma separated list of target branches in dist-
git to release into. (defaults to repo's default
--dist-git-path TEXT Path to dist-git repo to work in. Otherwise clone
the repo in a temporary directory.
--from-upstream Build the project in koji directly from the
upstream repository
--koji-target TEXT Koji target to build inside (see `koji list-
--scratch Submit a scratch koji build
--wait / --no-wait Wait for the build to finish
--release-suffix TEXT Specifies release suffix. Allows to override
default generated:{current_time}.{sanitized_curren
--default-release-suffix Allows to use default, packit-generated, release
suffix when some release_suffix is specified in
the configuration.
-p, --package TEXT Package to build, if more than one available, like
in a monorepo configuration. Use it multiple times
to select multiple packages.Defaults to all the
packages listed inside the config.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.