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packit build in-obs

Submit a build of the present content in the upstream or local repository to OBS.


  • SPEC file for the project placed in the repository.
  • Packit config file placed in the repository.
  • OBS user account and password needs to be configured in osc configuration file ~/.config/osc/oscrc. This can be done by running osc.


  1. Place a config file for packit in the root of your upstream repository.

  2. The command below creates a tarball (archive) of your repository and commits it along with the spec file to a package with a name corresponding to your upstream project on OBS. The project defaults to home:$username:packit. Running packit build in-obs a second time creates a new commit in that package.

    $ cd my/ustream/project/
    $ packit build in-obs --project <project_name>


Usage: packit build in-obs [OPTIONS] [PATH_OR_URL]

Build selected project in OBS

Before Running this command, your opensuse user account and password needs
to be configured in osc configuration file ~/.config/osc/oscrc. This can be
done by running `osc`.

--owner TEXT OBS user, owner of the project. (defaults to the
username from the oscrc)
--project TEXT Project name to build in. It will be created if does
not exist. It defaults to home:$owner:packit:$pkg
--targets TEXT Comma separated list of chroots to build in. (defaults
to 'fedora-rawhide-x86_64')
--description TEXT Description of the project to build in.
--upstream-ref TEXT Git ref of the last upstream commit in the current
branch from which packit should generate patches (this
option implies the repository is source-git).
--wait / --no-wait Wait for the build to finish
-p, --package TEXT Package to build, if more than one available, like in a
monorepo configuration. Use it multiple times to select
multiple packages.Defaults to all the packages listed
inside the config.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.