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Migration from Flask to FastAPI

Currently, we use Flask for our API (code). We have been considering a potential migration to FastAPI due to its benefits over Flask (detailed below), which would also be a chance to refactor our API (and maybe also DB) code. This research aims to evaluate these benefits and outline the key aspects of a possible migration.



  • automatic documentation: OpenAPI, Swagger
  • data validation, type hints: Python’s type annotations and Pydantic for data validation
  • built-in support for dependency injection, which is useful for managing database sessions, authentication, and configuration
  • websocket and background task support - can be helpful for real-time updates or long-running processes (for usages stats?)
  • good ecosystem, community
  • async support
  • performance
  • filtering, searching, pagination should be more easier to do

Disadvantages (from our architecture discussion)

  • frequent updates, maintenance overhead
  • Pydantic v2 Rust dependency: Pydantic v2 requires a Rust toolchain, which can be difficult to manage on LTS-based distributions. Since we use Fedora-based images in OpenShift and can also pin dependencies, this is unlikely to be a major blocker.


  • migration cost: refactoring, creating the models for documentation, rewriting of endpoints
  • benefits:
    • we could get rid of non-used endpoints
    • we could refactor/improve the functionality
    • documentation of endpoints => easier dashboard development
  • alternatives:
    • Sanic, Tornado, Falcon - lacking the functionalities such as validation, autodocumentation
    • Django - too heavy
    • none offer significant advantages over FastAPI/Flask

Migration requirements

Rewriting endpoints

  • convert Flask routes to FastAPI - replace Flask routes (@app.route) with FastAPI routes (@app.get()).
  • update request parsing, query params
  • response handling
    • Pydantic models are recommended for response validation (raw dictionary responses can be returned also)
  • revisit error handling, utilise built-in support

Implementing models

  • this is not strictly required (for the GET requests) but significantly improves the migration's value and is highly recommended.
  • it would be also our primary reason for migration:

Using Pydantic with our existing models

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict

class UserSchema(BaseModel):
id: int
name: str
email: str

model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes=True)
  • advantages:
    • lower risk of breaking something: wouldn't need to touch the DB layer
    • separation: DB layer decoupled from the API layer - control on what gets exposed via the API without altering the persistence logic
    • flexibility: schema can be updated independently
  • disadvantages:
    • duplication
    • manual mapping

Migrating to SQLModel

  • a single model that serves both as database model and your API schema
  • advantages:
    • no duplication
    • automatically validated and documented endpoints
    • cleaner codebase
  • disadvantages:
    • higher migration overhead: rewriting models, increased risk
    • less mature: it is newer than the established combination of SQLAlchemy + Pydantic
from sqlmodel import SQLModel, Field

class User(SQLModel, table=True):
id: int = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)
name: str
email: str

Migration approach

Gradual rewrite

  • keep existing Flask endpoints and introduce FastAPI under e.g. /api/v1/

  • migrate endpoints gradually (e.g., file by file) to FastAPI

  • update code to use the new endpoints

  • once all critical endpoints are migrated, remove Flask entirely

  • smaller risk of breaking something

  • work could be paralelised

Rewrite all at once

  • requires rewriting all endpoints and models at once
  • higher risk of introducing breaking changes

Migration example


koji_builds_ns = Namespace("koji-builds", description="Production builds")

class KojiBuildsList(Resource):
@koji_builds_ns.response(HTTPStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT, "Koji builds list follows")
def get(self):
"""List all Koji builds."""
scratch = (
request.args.get("scratch").lower() == "true" if "scratch" in request.args else None
first, last = indices()
result = []

for build in KojiBuildTargetModel.get_range(first, last, scratch):
build_dict = {
"task_id": build.task_id,
"scratch": build.scratch,
"status": build.status,
"build_submitted_time": optional_timestamp(build.build_submitted_time),
"web_url": build.web_url,
# from old data, sometimes build_logs_url is same and sometimes different to web_url
"build_logs_urls": build.build_logs_urls,
"pr_id": build.get_pr_id(),
"branch_name": build.get_branch_name(),
"release": build.get_release_tag(),

if project := build.get_project():
build_dict["project_url"] = project.project_url
build_dict["repo_namespace"] = project.namespace
build_dict["repo_name"] = project.repo_name


resp = response_maker(
resp.headers["Content-Range"] = f"koji-builds {first + 1}-{last}/*"
return resp

After (using Pydantic)

from fastapi import APIRouter, Query, Request, Response, HTTPException
from typing import List, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel
from http import HTTPStatus

router = APIRouter(prefix="/koji-builds", tags=["Production builds"])

# Pydantic models
class ProjectModel(BaseModel):
project_url: str
repo_namespace: str
repo_name: str

class KojiBuildModel(BaseModel):
packit_id: int
task_id: int
scratch: bool
status: str
build_submitted_time: Optional[str]
chroot: str
web_url: str
build_logs_urls: List[str]
pr_id: Optional[int]
branch_name: Optional[str]
release: Optional[str]
project: Optional[ProjectModel] = None

@router.get("", response_model=List[KojiBuildModel], status_code=HTTPStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT)
def get_koji_builds(
request: Request,
response: Response,
scratch: Optional[bool] = Query(None, description="Filter by scratch builds"),
first: int = Query(0, description="Pagination start index"),
last: int = Query(10, description="Pagination end index"),
"""List all Koji builds."""
result = []

for build in KojiBuildTargetModel.get_range(first, last, scratch):
build_data = KojiBuildModel(,
if build.get_project()
else None


response.headers["Content-Range"] = f"koji-builds {first + 1}-{last}/*"
return result