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Introducing monorepository support

· 3 min read

We are very happy to announce a major enhancement to Packit! We have now added support for monorepositories, enabling the integration of upstream repositories containing multiple downstream packages. If you have a repository in the monorepo format, Packit can now help you automate the integration to downstream distributions both from CLI and as a service.


Let's take a look at how a monorepository should be configured so that Packit can automate the process!

The main addition to the Packit configuration file in the context of monorepositories are the keys packages and paths.

packages holds a dictionary of {package_name: package_configuration} where package configuration can contain any keys that were previously used as top-level keys for the standard (single) package configuration. The paths can be defined in each package_configuration and should hold a list of paths that should be considered for the particular package.

The packages section in the configuration can then look like this:

downstream_package_name: python-copr
upstream_package_name: copr
- ./python
specfile_path: python-copr.spec
- python-copr.spec

downstream_package_name: copr-cli
upstream_package_name: copr-cli
- ./cli
specfile_path: copr-cli.spec
- copr-cli.spec

downstream_package_name: copr-backend
upstream_package_name: copr-backend
- ./backend
specfile_path: copr-backend.spec
- copr-backend.spec

That was the configuration of the packages and their locations in general, but how should these values then be utilised?

Packit Service support

For the Packit Service jobs, there is one more addition to the configuration: the packages key again, that can be used in each job and tells which packages should be considered for that particular job.

As a result, the repository in monorepo format could have jobs in the Packit configuration configured like this:

- job: copr_build
- copr-backend
- copr-cli
trigger: pull_request
- fedora-all-x86_64
preserve_project: True

- job: copr_build
- python-copr
trigger: pull_request
- fedora-all-x86_64
- fedora-all-aarch64
manual_trigger: True

And the commit statuses in GitHub/GitLab will also include the name of the package: Monorepo statuses

CLI support

As for the CLI, you can now for each command specify the -p or --packages argument followed by the package name and the scope of the command will take into consideration only the specified packages:

packit build in-mock --package my-package-1 --package my-package-2

Wrapping up

If you have a repository in the monorepo format, give it a try now and share your feedback with us!

Going forward, we are about to implement the possibility of defining dependencies between jobs, allowing for even greater flexibility and control of monorepository jobs.

We are also happy to help with any contributions from the community to help us expand and refine the support with additional functionalities, such as being able to define paths the service should react to or templating features.