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Week 48 (November 26th – December 2nd)

  • There is a new action/hook, post-modifications, that is executed after all modifications to the spec file are done and in case of syncing release after all remote sources are downloaded and before uploading to lookaside cache. You can use it for example to construct an additional source that depends on the primary source (that may not yet be available in other actions). (packit#2474)
  • We have fixed /packit retest-failed which was retriggering also non failed tests. (packit-service#2665)
  • Packit now includes dashboard links when reporting errors for Koji builds and Bodhi updates. (packit-service#2663)
  • We have improved Koji builds and Bodhi updates errors displaying. (dashboard#497)

· One min read

Week 47 (November 19th – November 25th)

  • Packit now uses the fedora-distro-aliases library to expand Fedora aliases. This is Packit's original code being improved and properly maintained by the Copr team. For further suggestions about aliases, use (packit#2470)

· One min read

Week 46 (November 12th – November 18th)

  • The Packit configuration file now supports a top-level placeholder key, _, which is ignored when parsing the file. This is useful for storing YAML anchors in complex config files, e.g.:
base-test: &base-test
job: tests
fmf_path: .distro
- <<: *base-test
trigger: pull_request
manual_trigger: true
- <<: *internal-test
trigger: commit
use_internal_tf: true


  • You can now define with_opts and without_opts in target-specific configuration of copr_build job to build with --with and --without rpmbuild options. (packit#2463)
  • We have made several improvements to our dashboard:
    • The Copr installation instructions have been updated. (dashboard#487)
    • You can now view the number of new findings from OpenScanHub scans. (dashboard#489)
    • Displaying of Copr builds in Testing Farm run views was improved as well. (dashboard#481)

· One min read

Week 43 (October 22nd – October 28th)

  • We have added support for retriggering jobs that are configured for commit and release trigger. Retriggering can be done via commit comments on the relevant commit, using the usual comments, such as /packit build or /packit test, but the branch or tag need to be specified like this (without the arguments, we will default to commit trigger for the default branch of the repository):

    /packit build --commit <branch-name>


    /packit build --release <tag-name>


  • There is a new method for getting a single commit comment, supporting also retrieval and adding reactions in GitHub. (ogr#865)

  • We have improved the feedback for the Open Scan Hub job. You can now see if the scan is in a pending, running, canceled, failed, or successful state. A failed or canceled scan is shown as neutral and does not cause your pull request validation to fail. (packit-service#2543)

· One min read

Week 40 (October 1st – October 7th)

  • packit validate-config now checks for the existence of the downstream package. (packit#2436)
  • Packit now allows building VM images via CLI without any Copr repository specified. (packit#2434)
  • We have unified interface of passing resolved bugs (e.g., Bugzillas as of now) to Packit CLI and via comments. Both CLI and comments now use --resolve-bug switch (comments accept comma-separated list of bugs, CLI accepts the switch multiple times (also -b)). (packit#2428 and packit-service#2560)
  • packit init now adds working directories that are used in packit prepare-sources into the .gitignore file in the same directory where Packit config resides. (packit#2431)
  • Before triggering the non-scratch Koji builds, we now check whether there is not already a build in progress or completed for the same NVR. (packit-service#2559)
  • We have improved the error reporting for failed downstream jobs. (packit-service#2544)
  • We have fixed an issue that caused inconsistencies with the expected behaviour stated by the documentation when adding duplicitous reactions to GitLab comments. (ogr#861)