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Seamless migration between providers

We have tested a seamless migration from Redis to Redict on our production deployment. To reproduce:

  1. We have deployed Redict to our production cluster.

    • Defaults have been changed to:

      with_redis: false
      with_redict: true

      These can be changed in their respective vars/ files.

    • Run

      DEPLOYMENT=prod TAGS=redict make deploy
  2. Using remote shell and redict-cli run:

    replicaof redis 6379

    This converts the Redict instance into a read-only replica of the Redis.

  3. After the data exchange is done, change all references in variables to redis to point to the new hostname, in this case redis → redict.

    • Run

      DEPLOYMENT=prod TAGS=packit-service-beat,fedmsg,packit-worker,packit-service make deploy
  4. Simultaneously run the deployment with the changed hostnames and via redict-cli run:

    replicaof no one

    to make the redict deployment the primary one.

  5. (optional) For safety reasons and easier rollback, it's possible to convert the former Redis deployment into a replica of Redict, just in case it needs to be reverted without loss of data. For this you can run in redis-cli:

    replicaof redict 6379
References to Redis

Redis is being referenced from:

  • packit-service (API endpoint)
  • packit-service-fedmsg (Fedora Messaging listener)
  • packit-service-beat (triggers periodic tasks)
  • packit-worker (runs the jobs provided by API, Fedora Messaging and “beat”)
  • flower (monitoring of the Celery queues)