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8 posts tagged with "November"

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Week 48 (November 26th – December 2nd)

  • There is a new action/hook, post-modifications, that is executed after all modifications to the spec file are done and in case of syncing release after all remote sources are downloaded and before uploading to lookaside cache. You can use it for example to construct an additional source that depends on the primary source (that may not yet be available in other actions). (packit#2474)
  • We have fixed /packit retest-failed which was retriggering also non failed tests. (packit-service#2665)
  • Packit now includes dashboard links when reporting errors for Koji builds and Bodhi updates. (packit-service#2663)
  • We have improved Koji builds and Bodhi updates errors displaying. (dashboard#497)

· One min read

Week 47 (November 19th – November 25th)

  • Packit now uses the fedora-distro-aliases library to expand Fedora aliases. This is Packit's original code being improved and properly maintained by the Copr team. For further suggestions about aliases, use (packit#2470)

· One min read

Week 46 (November 12th – November 18th)

  • The Packit configuration file now supports a top-level placeholder key, _, which is ignored when parsing the file. This is useful for storing YAML anchors in complex config files, e.g.:
base-test: &base-test
job: tests
fmf_path: .distro
- <<: *base-test
trigger: pull_request
manual_trigger: true
- <<: *internal-test
trigger: commit
use_internal_tf: true


  • You can now define with_opts and without_opts in target-specific configuration of copr_build job to build with --with and --without rpmbuild options. (packit#2463)
  • We have made several improvements to our dashboard:
    • The Copr installation instructions have been updated. (dashboard#487)
    • You can now view the number of new findings from OpenScanHub scans. (dashboard#489)
    • Displaying of Copr builds in Testing Farm run views was improved as well. (dashboard#481)

· One min read

Week 48 (November 28th – December 4th)

  • Packit now links the information related to upstream events in PRs opened when syncing a release. (packit#2173)

  • When accessing tags or macro definitions by name, specfile library now takes validity into account when looking for the best match. For example if there are two instances of Version tag, one in the true and one in the false branch of a condition, Specfile.version will always access the one that is in the true branch. This also applies to Packit when syncing a release and updating value of Version tag. (specfile#328)

· One min read

Week 46 (November 14th – November 20th)

  • Packit now supports pre-release version in propose_downstream and pull_from_upstream. A spec file update might be required, see the documentation for more details. (packit#2149)
    • In relation to that, specfile library has a new method, Specfile.update_version(), that allows updating spec file version even if it is a pre-release. (specfile#317)
  • Packit can now check, using the new update_version_mask configuration option, that the proposed version of new release and the current version of the dist-git branch are compatible and sync the dist-git branch only in that case. (packit#2156)
  • Packit is now able to get the version from spec file even if the Version tag is not present in the specfile directly, but e.g. imported from another file. (packit#2157)
  • PACKIT_COPR_PROJECT env var that is exposed to Testing Farm now includes the Copr project of the additional build specified in comment, if present. (packit-service#2253)