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Packit Service deployment specifics

Staging instance

Runs on the same cluster as production, but there are a few slight differences.

There are fewer workers and some components (namely postgres) have less resources.

The namespace has a default taint toleration
"key": "environment",
"operator": "Equal",
"value": "stage",
"effect": "NoSchedule",

(see oc describe namespace packit-stg) so that the pods can run also on nodes with AWS Spot Instances. If you want to explicitly request those nodes for some component (workers), you need to add a node selector to its StatefulSet/Deployment.

env: stage

We don't do that by default (as of Nov 30th '22) because those instances seem to be too unreliable even for staging workers.

Repository cache

To shorten the cloning time and making it possible to clone big repositories (like kernel), the service supports caching git repositories.

To make it work, you need to:

  • Configure the cache in the service config:

    # Path of the cache (mounted as a persistent volume in our case)
    repository_cache: /repository-cache
    # The maintenance of the cache (adding, updating) is done externally,
    # not in the packit/packit-service code.
    add_repositories_to_repository_cache: false
  • Since our infrastructure does not support shared volumes, we need to attach one volume with a cache to each worker and one to each corresponding sandbox pod.

    • In the case of workers, this is done during the deployment.

    • For sandboxes, there is an option in the service config (the environment variable needs to differ for each worker and is set during startup of the worker):

      - path: /repository-cache
  • And finally, add some repositories to the cache.

How to add a repository to the cache

  • Clone/copy the git repository to the /repository-cache directory. (Each project as a subdirectory.)
  • Be aware, that all the volumes, both the ones used by workers and the ones used by sandbox pods, need to have the repository there.
  • For small projects, you can clone the repository from the pod's shell.
  • In the case of larger repositories (like kernel), you can clone the repository on your localhost and use oc rsync to copy the repository to the volume.
  • For the worker's volume, you can oc rsh to the worker pod to get to the volume.
  • To populate volumes attached to sandbox pods, you can wait for some action to be executed or create a new pod (e.g. oc create -f ./openshift/repository-cache-filler.yml using and adjusting the name of the volume in this definition) with the volume attached. This will block the creation of the sandbox pods because the volume can't be mounted from multiple pods, so don't forget to delete the pod after you finished populating the cache.