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How do I test my changes?

In all cases, you first need to get or generate expected secrets in secrets/{SERVICE}/dev/.

docker-compose (quick & dirty)

Before you follow Running packit-service locally:

  • get/generate the secrets
  • run DEPLOYMENT=dev make render-secrets-from-templates to create packit-service.yaml and fedora.toml from their templates and extra-vars.yml
  • copy the secrets/{SERVICE}/dev/* to secrets/{SERVICE}/dev/ in cloned packit-service repo

oc cluster up (slow & better)

Because we run the service in OpenShift the more reliable way to test it is to run an Openshift cluster locally and deploy the service there. oc cluster up spawns the Openshift (v3) cluster. Create secrets/packit/dev/, cd vars/packit; cp dev_template.yml dev.yml and in dev.yml set api_key to the output of oc whoami -t.

Run DEPLOYMENT=dev make deploy. That will also push locally built images (:dev) into the cluster's registry (make sure you have push_dev_images: true in vars/packit/dev.yml).


Similar to above 'oc cluster up' you can run minishift to get a local OpenShift cluster. In addition to the above, you need to use docker and oc from the minishift environment after you start minishift:

$ eval $(minishift docker-env)
$ eval $(minishift oc-env)
$ oc config use-context minishift

and then build worker & service images (make worker; make service in packit-service repo) with Docker, before you run DEPLOYMENT=dev make deploy.

Staging (quick & reliable, but don't break it)

If you're fairly sure your changes won't do any harm, you can temporarily get hold of staging instance for that.

For example, in case of packit-worker:

  • in cloned packit-service repo:
    • make worker
    • podman tag
    • podman push
  • in deployment: DEPLOYMENT=stg make import-images

Once you're done you should revert to older image. Or it will be automatically replaced once a packit-service PR is merged.


We have to encrypt the secrets, because we are using them in Zuul CI. This repository provides helpful playbook to do this with one command:

DEPLOYMENT=stg make zuul-secrets

How are the secrets encrypted?

Zuul provides a public key for every project. The ansible playbook downloads Zuul repository and pass the project tenant and name as parameters to encryption script. This script then encrypts files with public key of the project. For more information please refer to official docs.